Virginia Housing Home Loan Program

What is a Virginia Housing Home Loan?

Virginia Housing organization was created in 1972 to help Virginians find affordable housing. Virginia Housing does this this by working in partnership with First Savings Mortgage to provide programs for first time home buyers and create work opportunities to revitalize neighborhoods in Virginia. Virginia Housing also provides free homebuyer classes, support counseling related to housing, and help those living with disabilities.

A Virginia Housing loan is tailored to make purchasing a home more affordable. All Virginia Housing loans are 30-year fixed rate programs and most can help you purchase a home with a low credit score. First Savings has worked with the Virginia Housing Development Authority for many years now and can easily aid in determining if a Virginia Housing loan program is the right loan for you based on your unique situation.

How do you become eligible for a Virginia Housing Loan?

There are other factors that can determine if you are eligible for a Virginia Housing loan, but the best thing you can do is to reach out to one of our expert loan officers to discuss if a Virginia Housing loan program is the right fit for you and your needs.


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