How to get a mortgage without a W-2

Published on March 29, 2023 under How-To

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Providing a W-2 to a potential lender is a common way of substantiating proof of income for full-time and salaried individuals, but it is by no means the only way of proving to a lender that you can handle a mortgage payment. Lenders want to see that you are creditworthy and will be able to keep up with monthly payments for the foreseeable future. If you do not have a W-2, there are several other ways to give lenders a snapshot into your financial situation.

Gather proof of your net worth and assets

When applying for a mortgage without a W-2, providing an indication to the lender of your pre-existing net worth and assets can show that you have a financial cushion to fall back on if necessary. This could include showing that you have liquid cash, property, stocks, bonds, or other investments on hand. Documents such as bank statements and investment accounts can help verify those liquid assets.

Compile proof of alternative income sources

Compiling proof of alternative income sources is also a valid way to prove that you can afford mortgage payments. This could include Social Security benefits, disability payments, alimony, child support or annuities. It is important to substantiate these sources of income in order to demonstrate your ability to repay the loan on time each month. Additionally, lenders may want proof that these forms of income will continue on into the future so they know they will be repaid according to their contract with you.

Provide tax returns for prior years

Using tax returns is an effective and convenient way to provide proof of income for a mortgage, especially for self-employed individuals. Tax returns will provide lenders insight into your financial history and help them assess your ability to make regular payments on the loan. These returns will also include information on investments, deductions, and capital gains or losses, as well as any other income earned outside of employment. As self-employment income can fluctuate over time, the more years of tax returns you can provide, the more confidence you will give to lenders that you will be able to make your payments as scheduled.


Obtaining a mortgage without providing a W-2 can be done by proving to lenders that you are creditworthy and have the necessary financial cushion or income sources to make regular payments. First Savings Mortgage has an expert team of loan officers that would be happy to discuss your unique situation, no matter what your financial background is. Feel free to reach out for a consultation so we can get you on the way to the home of your dreams.

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